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Green & Digital Transformation Programme 2023 - All you need to know

What is it about?

Supporting companies from Vizcaya in the definition of their roadmap towards fundamental or advanced digitization, or improved environmental sustainability; support projects aimed at fundamental & advanced digitization, environmental innovation and circular economy, with the ultimate goal of companies gaining an advantegeous competitive position and a reduced ecological footprint.

Who is it aimed at?

Companies with their own legal entity and:

  • Registered office and tax address in Vizcaya, owning a production or high-value centre in Vizcaya
  • Staff numbering between 5 and 250 people (or the full-time equivalent)

With a maximum amount of 100k€ per beneficiary.

Is my project eligible?

The following concepts are eligible for a grant: compatible expenses or investments on consultancy, engineering, hardware & software.

  • Line 1: Elaboration of both basic and  advanced digitization plans, or for environmental innovation and circular economy, with the guidance of subject matter experts.
  • Line 2: E-commerce, advanced enterprise management systems, production process management systems, logistics management systems, product lifecycle management systems, industrial process automation, operational signals and process data integration, cybersecurity.
  • Line 3: Electronics & ICT such as AI, cloud computing, blockchain, 3D simulation (digital twins, augmented reality), signals and process data integration with providers and customers, advanced human-machine interaction, IoT systems at the product level, artificial vision, implementation of IDSA or GAIA-X frameworks in data processing.
  • Line 4: Projects for environmental improvement and innovation, aligned with circular economy principles.

When can apply by?

Dates for submitting applications:
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes:

  • Lines 1 & 2: from May 22nd until July 28th 2023 (by 13:30)
  • Lines 3 & 4: from May 22nd until June 9th 2023 (by 13:30)

Savvy is a technology company with the goal of furthering the digital transformation of industrial companies, refining their information into value, and their data into business.

If you have a project in mind,  contact us  and we will advise you without any obligation on your part.

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